Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunny days,

after a long cold winter are very welcomed at this home! While it is still very cold out-30's-Tim is working on learing up the yard! The house is also getting spring cleaning. Those projects for home organization-shelf building and re-arranging "stuff" seem endless. But after almost 5 years, we have finally fund the right place for items..until we change our minds again, lol. The 16 yr old cat, Spanky, who came home to live with us in early March has adapted well. He loves the window seat upstairs, and the old wool sweater which became a cover for the pad. The warmth of the wool and the sun helps his old bones. He has for the most part whipped the dogs into shape, lol. They just avoid him. He has also won Tim over..really, Tim who wasn't keen on a cat in the house..looks for him, lol. They are becomming "buds"..he is MY cat, lol. So off to make supper, stitch on the table topper so I can start the Easter one--a new passion to stitch these things .. but also to knit bunnies for the mantle and socks to keep my feets warm. So in the mean time. Knit on!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

And tomorrow is Valentine's Day...

so today we are taking a road trip to Lansing. For Tim to go to a train show or, I am planning on just visiting with my sister, Myrna!!
Her Chef-of-a-Husband is making us supper or dinner, if it involves cloth napkins, lol.
Yesterday found us being slugs, yes we did not accomplish much if anything. Tim did clean out a few boxes from the basement, in preparation of having a Train Room.
Me, I finished a pair of wool socks and made great progress on a ruffled scarf! Perhaps the scarf will be finished today!
Challenge 2011 with my Stitchy Sisters had been good for me..I am wrapping up some of those pesky UFO's...7 of them to date! I would hate to find out how many more actually exist, lol.
But I intend to keep plugging away at them!
So off to prepare for a fun day away, in the meantime...
Knit on!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Year

A new year and an odd numbered one! Those are always luckier for me! Wonder what luck filled things are around the corner??
Plan on having some time for me and getting my things organized. The way I want not how somebody thinks I should. (Single is not always bad.)
I didn't want to go anywhere for 3 whole days, but alas, I have to run out to get some yarn, a few books I did not get for Christmas and a new saw blade for the dh.
So later today it will be ME time...
Happy new year, to all and even with my complaints and rumblings, I am still very, very blessed.
Knit on.