Thursday, December 27, 2007

so the laundry,

is almost done! Then of course tonight there will be more.
Talked to Momma today and she is making plans for Saturday's Christmas for the family. I feel so bad she got to crying as my youngest sister lives there with her husband, 2 kids(6 & 2) a dog, a cat and they have taken in the daycare persons dog for 2 weeks also, anyway, back to the tears. Mom does not feel well, and they seem to think since she is home she should take care of the kids for them while the sitter is is too much for her.
Wish I was closer, they could PAY me to take care of them, and leave Mom alone!
We will be taking the "Littles" and Alex along on Saturday, I hope for it to be a fun time. Last of our Christmas's here........then the daunting task of dismantling the trees and alll of the decorations, but unemployed, I will have time to do that!
Off to knit for a time, I have a pair of fingerless mitts to finish up before Friday evening. and to wrap the gifts for Saturday.
Tonight is Knit Nite, the highlight of MY week!

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