Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So now it's gotta snow??

Of course, it is still February.
I went to my first client yesterday. It went ok. I must admit I was a nervous wreck, but I did it. Not difficult-so far-but I still need to find a full-time job. This will keep me "out there" if nothing else.
I finished another pair of Encore socks, will have to take the pic and post.
Sunday went great, those little girls SANG every word. And smiled. My heart was just goo. and of course the tears were there too. Same for crusty ole Grandpa. I am so happy that I push to do this for them. They let Daddy know they were disappointed that he wasn't there(he had told them he would come-sigh*Don't promise what you don't intend doing, there is plenty of disappoint in life with out that*)
For lunch we had quesadillas-homemade. And they love them. I tell you if you don't have a quesadilla maker, you are missing it. We use ours alot, chicken beef, just cheese..........it is great!
Off to try a cheese bread recipe,
I have two places to go today, but not until 10 so I have some time to do this and knit!
Knit On.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad yesterday went well for you. Hang in there, the right job will come your way! :) What is the recipe for cheeze bread? Cherrie